Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cheating is not Haram

Hello, this is my first post. This is something I've written a week ago or so. It's about cheating! This is not only for people who have exams or are in school or college. It's a way of life.

Cheating is not Haram!!

تعاونوا على البر و التقوي

The exams are near already here… So I would like to give a shout out to everyone just so it’s clear.

I would like to clarify that I’m not in any way related to doctors in my university so this is not an attempt to spoil your minds!

I would also like to clarify that this article is NOT PRO CHEATING, so if you have a guilty conscience don't read ahead, who needs sleepless nights, the exams are soon. Thus I'm not responsible for any guilty consciences.


This article contains many phrases of sarcasm, If you're not a fan of sarcasm I recommend you go back to whatever you were doing, before taking the time wasting decision to read this probably time wasting article (depends on how long my hands get tired of writing)

ايه التخلف و الهبل ده !! أنت من القرن الكام بالضبط!! عادي يعنى فيها إيه ما كل الناس بتغش و *الحمد لله ربنا بيوفئها* مش شايفه إنك غريبه شويه 

(Well I know they want to say معقدة but find it might be too upsetting, so I strongly respect all of you for being considerate - Not sarcasm-)

I hear this sentence A LOT, and to tell you the truth I’m not surprised at all. People choose to be misguided… we choose who we are… We choose our actions. I just hope everyone knows that we choose the consequences as well. Let’s be logic about this and totally unbiased. So here it is.
  • I study my ass off all year; other people cheat and still get better grades than me; that is not fair. So as long as they’re cheating I am too.
  • Everyone is doing it, so what, it’s not like I’m hurting anyone!
  • It’s just a stupid exam, my life doesn’t depend on it
  • Who said cheating is Haram?
  • Everyone does their share of wrong doings; I’ll just cheat and do the rest perfectly! And Allah will forgive me!

Sorry guys, probably a good time to get a manicure!

Who are you to decide what is fair and what is not? The only thing that is fair in this world we’re living in right now is God’s judgment and as far as I can recall cheating IS and will always be a big taboo in all religions. In other words: God is not a fan of cheating.
Other people cheat but just face the reality here and stop running away. Cheating is not just passing that particular exam. It’s much, much bigger than that! So what if you study your ass of all year and other people who cheat get better grades. You think that justifies for cheating…
Okay well if it does then by the beginning of the New Year I call upon everyone who doesn’t earn enough money to start stealing all they can get… I mean really, it’s not fair! Some people don’t do anything and they are millionaires. It is my right to steal! If this makes any sense to you then just stop reading, you have much bigger issues to be discussed by myself as I haven’t got any degrees in Psychology.
If you think it is unfair that the people who cheat get better grades, and you fix it by cheating then just think this through with me. So you felt unjust. You didn’t know what to do so you decided to go with the flow and commit the same act.
So what we’re saying here is that if one of my parents gets killed in a robbery I should go around killing other people’s parents because it was unfair?! What kind of world do you think you’re living in? That would be totally okay if you didn’t pray to god everyday at least 5 times and supposedly know why you do it. Or go to church and ask God for forgiveness and mercy! But committing a crime because you were subjected to a form of unjust is just you saying I don’t believe in God, so I’ll act on my own to get my own rights!
Life is not passing a certain exam. Actually life is not anything but a journey to your final destination each action that you make will get you to that destination.
I’ll give an example and try to imagine with me here.
A guy named X, when he was in school as a kid he had an exam. Now he didn’t normally cheat but he said why not everyone is doing it. It’s just this time. Next time, he had a very important exam which he didn’t study for because he was sick, so he thought It’s okay, if I weren’t sick I would have studied I promise. So it’s ok to cheat just this one time. Now X is in college and he has made cheating his master hobby. He is a brilliant cheater! Like really he could make a living of it (Imagine how that would be) He gets really good grades and he’s the best student in his major in college. He gets a brilliant job because of his grades and he gets paid a huge salary, he’s living the life of his dreams! He gets married to a woman whom he’s deeply in love with and they live happily ever after. And one day he gets home, finds a letter from his wife telling him I don’t love you anymore, I’m sorry. I fell in love with him. I know I was wrong. We should get a divorce. And X thinks to himself That *****!!! What a cheater!.

Mr. Conscience: Hold on a second Mr. X!! What did you just say?? Didn’t you say it’s okay to cheat?
Mr. X: Well yes I did but that’s a totally different thing did you lose your mind of something I just told you my wife cheated on me!!
Mr. Conscience: Well Mr. X didn’t you know that there’s something called God?
Mr. X: Of course I do, you’re being ridiculous what’s that got to do with anything?!
Mr. Conscience: Well then I guess you believe that God is not fair?
Mr X: I don’t have time for this. You know you should really get some help.
Mr. Conscience: Okay well I will just tell you this, Did you really think you would get away with stealing something that wasn’t yours! That you won’t pay for you actions?
Mr X: Umm, It was in exams!! Just stupid exams doesn’t mean I don’t believe in God or don’t believe he is fair! And it surely doesn’t mean that I should feel grateful that my wife cheated on me! Are you nuts?
Mr. Conscience:  Aha I am, because guess what remember when you were in college? Remember when you were first ahead of your class and you got that job you’re still in now?
Mr X: Yes. What are you getting at?
Mr. Conscience:  Remember the second in your class, the stupid one who was too smart too cheat? He was supposed to have that same job you have now and he would have killed for it but he didn’t get it. You took what’s supposed to be his by cheating. It was not your right and you took it. Now if you believe in karma, someone came into your house and stole the most person you care about in this world as you once if not a million times steal what wasn’t yours. Now do you still think it’s not fair?
Mr X: Yes, would you go now I have to go to work.

The End

This story is absolutely pointless, right? But the thing is, what goes around comes around. If you take something that’s not yours you will pay for it. In return something that you truly deserve and worked for will be taken away from you. Whether it’s your health, your love, or your peace of mind, you will pay for your actions. But be rational, this doesn’t mean all people who cheat are bad people, and deserve the worst. But it just means think it through. If you weigh it down and you’re still ready for whatever that may come; then be my guest. Cheat all you want. But remember this it never stops at exams.
The exams are just 10 days away. It can be a new start with God. With the new year, change something you are doing wrong so that Allah would bless you in your health and you whole life.

Now I’m pretty sure this doesn’t change one thing, and people who read this will probably think that I’m crazy but my defense is I am and I know it. And if anyone is offended by what I said then I’m deeply sorry, you should have read this whole article if you disagree xD Refer to the (Not pro cheating Bold warning on the top of the page) 

Another thing: To all you brilliant cheaters out there, I would like to give a shout out to your brilliantness for I have seen very creative ways in cheating and I gotta say I am proud to know people that smart, just hope they use it differently xD (Brilliant remark = not sarcasm)

One more thing: If you bare along to read this whole thing and whether you cheat or not I strongly suggest you go study if you've got exams, because it has been a long article xD (Refer to the warning again in Bold!)

Thanks for reading!!


  1. as i expected =) extraordinary post =)
    rbena yehdy beek ya manar =)
    i agree with u especially on "If you take something that’s not yours you will pay for it."
    by personal experience i saw cheating as not a harm and soo what till 3 prep when i stopped this and u can't imagine how much bless god gave to me =')
    Allah puts BARAKAH in every little thing u do =)
    keep it up ^_^

  2. Thanks a lot hend bgd :D I can't agree more when you do something or stop something for god he blesses you in everything you do :) :) el7 :)
